Mama Serene 

Terms of Service

Last Updated: July 2024


  • Services Provided

These terms of service are the standard terms that relate to all courses and programmes run by Mama Serene and Dani Diosi Coaching (hereinafter referred to as Coach).

The services to be provided by the Coach to the Client occur online unless otherwise specified at the point of booking. Coaching, which is not advice, therapy or counselling, may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in the client’s life or profession. However, participation in Programmes does not guarantee specific outcomes, including increased financial gains, personal, or business success.


  • Payment

The total fee for Programmes are specified upon booking. Prices on the website can change at any time and without notice.


When paying in instalments, a payment schedule will be agreed. Automated payments for the number of payments required are set up at the start of the Programme and must be adhered to.

Payments not received within 10 days of the due date will be subject to a late payment charge at the rate of 10% per annum above the Bank of England base rate from time to time in force, in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998. The Coach reserves the right to suspend services or refuse completion or delivery of work until past due balances are paid.

Full payment for the entire Programme is due from you to the Coach, regardless of whether it is completed or you discontinue participation. All fees due under this Agreement are non- cancellable and the sums paid non-refundable.

Due to the live nature of the support offered in this Programme, no refunds are offered.


  • Start and End Date

The Programme start and end date is specified at the point of booking.


  • Relationship

We are entering into a coaching relationship and there is not, or ever will be, any kind of psychological counselling.


  • Misunderstandings

An important part of the coaching relationship is the Coach’s role in finding challenges and encouraging the client to push herself. If I do or say anything that upsets you please do let me know. I want to provide you with the support you need and believe that honesty and trust is critical for our relationship to grow. I want this to be an open and safe place for you to come with confidence.


  • Confidentiality

The Client acknowledges that during the engagement the Coach will have access to and become acquainted with various trade secrets, inventions, innovations, processes, information, customer records, methods, customer lists, accounts and procedures. The Client agrees that The Coach will not disclose any of the previously mentioned, directly or indirectly, or use any of them in any manner, during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter, except as required in the course of this engagement with the Client. All files, records, documents, specifications, information, letters, notes, media lists, original artwork/creative, notebooks and similar items relating to the business of the Client, whether prepared by the Client or otherwise coming into the Coach’s possession, shall remain the exclusive property of the Client. The Coach shall not retain any copies of the foregoing without the Client’s prior written permission.


  • Intellectual Property

The coaching, information, content, materials, and services (and any intellectual property and other rights relating thereto) are and will remain the property of the Coach. In order to honor and protect the Coach’s intellectual property, the client agrees not to disclose, communicate, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, republish, upload, post, transmit, sublicense, sell, decompile, in any way share information about the Coach’s materials, written articles, or methods to any third parties without express written permission, or elsewhere provided in this Agreement and participation in the Mentoring dictates. The Coach will also protect any client intellectual property or personal/business information that may be discussed. Any misuse of any of the Coach’s intellectual property may result in court action, civilly and criminally, to the fullest extent of the law.


  • Client Responsibilities

You agree that full participation is necessary to achieve your goals in this Programme. Missing any portion of it or incomplete participation may have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the advice given. As such, you commit to being present and on time for all sessions of the course. For any 1:1 sessions the Coach will make best efforts to reschedule the call, however, no guarantees can be made to ensure that a rescheduled session will be set for that particular absence. In any event, cancellation with less than 24 hours’ notice will result in a lost session without a refund of any instalment payments made or due to be paid. You accept and agree that you are one hundred percent (100%) responsible for your own progress and results. The Coach makes no representations or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding any results gained as the result of participation in the group course or the purchase of any books and materials. The Coach makes no guarantee or warranty that the course will meet your requirements. As with anything in life there are no guarantees and your success is dependent on your efforts outside of our coaching as well therefore no guarantees are being made for specific outcomes, including increased financial gains, personal, or business success.



I understand that I am working with the Coach for the Programme at the agreed fee. I have read and understood the above information and I fully consent to the services offered as described. I give the Coach permission to be honest, direct, supportive, and to challenge me. I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my personal wellbeing and business success, including my choices and decisions. I understand that I am always free to reject any advice, suggestions, or requests made by my coach in this course. I understand that coaching is not to be used in lieu of professional advice for legal, financial, medical, tax, or other matters normally handled by other professionals.


I agree to the terms and conditions of this contract.