Dr Semmelweis and Why Nothing Has Changed in the Birthing World since the 1800s
Dr Ignaz Semmelweis was the Dr who discovered that many women's lives could be saved in childbirth if the Dr's looking after them would just wash their hands. I'd like to say there is a happy ending to this story but read on to find out how iatrogenic harm is very much alive in today's maternity system...
Why I am not teaching Group Hypnobirthing classes face to face during Covid-19
"Is it going to be possible to teach hypnobirthing classes face to face?" Is something I get asked a lot! I honestly wish that the answer could be "yes". I love teaching face to face. I love being with my clients, getting that group energy flowing and that subtle feedback on how clients are reacting to the concepts and processing them.
Relaxation Tips
Day to day life can be stressful. Certainly, current circumstance (did someone say Corona Virus??) are challenging many of us in ways we have never been challenged before. If you are pregnant or have a baby or toddler at home, your levels of anxiety may be high, so I have put together a few helpful hints and tips to help you manage your stress levels without resorting to hiding yourself in a cupboard!